December 6, 2024

Stop the Legislative Coup & Coverup!

December 9, 2024 -- MORAL MONDAYS RETURN

What: People’s Assembly and Candlelight Demonstration w/Bishop Barber and the Poor People Campaign. Join us for refreshments and fellowship in action!  Where: NC State Capitol, 1 S Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27601

We know it conflicts with the climate action meeting in Pittsboro (described just below) but still wanted to share this information about a Moral Monday event with Rev. Barber in Raleigh on December 9.  This gathering is intended specifically to oppose the recent power grab by our State Legislature. Read the description HERE:

Use This Link to RSVP

We hope you can attend one of these events.

Sorry for multiple emails this week (we try not to flood your inboxes), but this action needs to be done this weekend if possible.

Whether or not you are able to go to the Moral Monday in Raleigh, you may want to contact some Republican legislators to ask them to not override Governor Cooper's veto of SB 382, (which removes powers from newly and fairly elected Democrats, including Gov Elect Stein).  You do not need to be one of their constituents to do this.  Your email should emphasize that the bill was passed with no chance of debate or amendment and does not provide enough aid for victims of Hurricane Helene (some of these legislators are from Western NC).

CVJer Bert Bowie has put together the attached list of legislators along with hotlinks to the email addresses.  You can just write one email and copy all the names in a BCC.  Thanks, Bert, for doing the work for us!


December 5, 2024

We're posting information about a meeting in Pittsboro to address climate change on the local level:

As a result of the election, local climate action is going to be even more critically important. You have the opportunity to show your support for climate solutions next week. The Pittsboro Board of Commissioners will consider and possibly vote on a Resolution for Policy to Address Climate Change, Such a resolution could lead to a climate action plan - the first in Chatham County. The Board will meet on Monday Dec 9 at 6:00 pm at the Chatham County Agricultural and Conference Center, 1192 US Highway 64 West Business, Pittsboro.  

Please come. I've been told "a good turnout would really help." You do not need to speak or be a resident of Pittsboro to support this action. Most of us visit, work in or do business in Pittsboro. Thanks for your support.


October 31, 2024

Here's some information from our friends at Common Cause and Carolina Jews for Justice about volunteering to monitor the vote canvassing in any county.  Help make sure that every vote is counted!

Help count every vote: Be a Canvass Monitor!!!  

Training Materials:

Below are the resources you need to help you monitor County Boards of Elections pre-canvass and canvass meetings between November 5 to November 15:

Don’t forget, if you need to report an issue when monitoring, text or call 888-OUR-VOTE (888-687-8683).

Contact Amy Webb at Common Cause with any questions: or 919.259.1236.


With hope for a good election outcome,


October 01, 2024

Early voting starts on October 17.  (You may want to wait to vote until Sunday to support the push to keep the Sunday voting option in Chatham County).

As they do before every election, the League of Women Voters has prepared an easy-to-use tool with all the voting information you need and even an option to print a personalized ballot to take to the polls:

The League of Women Voters of North Carolina announces that its non-partisan voter guide, , is now ready to be used by North Carolinians as they prepare to cast their ballots in the November 5 general election. is a comprehensive resource on voting information where citizens can learn about the policy positions of candidates, get detailed instructions on registering to vote, find an early voting location in their county, confirm their Election Day polling place, learn about acceptable forms of voter ID, and take the guesswork out of the absentee-by-mail process.  

Voters in 40 counties – which are represented by 14 local League of Women Voters organizations – can also access personalized candidate voter guides. For those counties, the League of Women Voters has contacted all statewide and local candidates, giving them the opportunity to provide voters with their contact information, responses to broad survey questions, and personal profiles.

Also, if you still want to write postcards or letters to progressive-leaning individuals to help with the Get Out the Vote effort, check out these options:

1) Postcards to Swing States

Sign-ups for postcards are back open as we make a final push for 40 million postcards to rally Democrats to vote! We will likely send you postcards for a competitive US House district or Florida, though we have some additional voter lists for swing states and Ohio. If you aren't willing to write to voters for whatever list we send you, please do not sign up.

The mailing dates for these final orders are between Oct 24 and Oct 29. We'll ship the postcards as quickly as possible.

There's also an option to opt-in to write postcards to persuadable seniors about the importance of voting for Democrats in order to protect social security from Republican proposals to cut this vital program. 

Please note: You will be responsible for providing Postcard Stamps, which are currently $0.56. We'll mail you free postcards, along with voter lists and instructions with proven message options.

2) Letters to Voters in Several Key States

(You download and print the letters and mail in your own envelopes.)


September 12, 2024

Hi CVJers,

We're feeling energized right now but need to keep working hard in this month leading up to the election (early voting starts on October 17).

If you want to "do something" more and have a little bit of time in the next couple of weeks, you can volunteer to write letters to potential voters from underrepresented groups.  Vote Forward has started a new voter registration drive in battleground states, including North Carolina.  You just have to download and print (5 or more) letters that include space for your personal message about the importance of voting, along with a list of addresses.  The letters include a QR code and email address to make registration easy for the recipients.  Sign up at:  (They also still need volunteers to write letters for their Get Out the Vote campaign in October.)

If you're looking for something more active, The "Long March for Unity and Justice" will be passing through Durham, where they will have a rally on September 24.  For more information, see:


August 21, 2024

If you're feeling energized by new possibilities for victory in the upcoming election and want to help get out the vote, here are a couple of organizations that inform you about local events and/or provide a way to get involved even if you don't leave home:

Progressive Turnout Project

This website provides a wonderful, updated list of events in Chatham County and elsewhere in North Carolina.

Vote Forward

Organizes letter-writing campaigns to underrepresented communities.  Here is the website for a campaign targeted at young voters in North Carolina:

Thanks for taking action!


Roz and Jon


June 10, 2024

You may be interested in this conversation in the spirit of the Braver Angels movement:

Chatham Conversations - Protecting our Natural Environment

Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Come join the conversation about environmental impact in Chatham County!

The Environmental Defense Fund, with support from the Braver Angels Alliance of Central North Carolina, invites you to be part of a pilot program that brings everyday Americans together to help find environmental solutions that work to make the biggest difference in our communities today and into the future.

 In our current social atmosphere of distrust and political polarization, it can be hard for all voices to be heard. The Environmental Defense Fund, a non-partisan organization, recognizes the value of respectful citizen-to-citizen engagement in fostering healthy debates and creative problem-solving to address important environmental challenges that impact everyone.

This workshop provides the opportunity for you to have one-on-one conversations with other Chatham County citizens who may have different perspectives and experiences. There will also be group discussions to help discover common ground and innovative ideas on key environmental issues and possible solutions.

 The goal is for you to leave this workshop with greater confidence that meaningful citizen engagement and cross-party collaboration can create positive changes and improve environmental health in Chatham County and beyond.

Saturday June 29: Option 1: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Option 2: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Event Space: 79°West Coworking Space & Innovation Hub

Address: 120 Mosaic Blvd #120, Pittsboro, NC

Note: Refreshments will be provided, and you will also receive a $50 gift card for your participation.

Click Here to Register


June 04, 2024

If you are as concerned as we are about all the ageism being promoted during this election cycle, you might want to check out this excellent guide from the Gerontological Society of America for rebutting ageist arguments.  The guide also includes pointers for writing op-ed articles and letters:


May 10, 2024

We received the following invitation from Carolina Jews for Justice for a weekly meeting of progressive groups in North Carolina.  The meeting sounds like a great opportunity to learn about actions you may want to take:

Since May of 2020, Rev. Lisa of the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of NC and friends/partners, including CJJ!, have gathered on Fridays to take action and experience the joy and power of community. Every Friday at 11:00am there's a recap of the past week and an opportunity to take action on the issues impacting our state and country. And there is always great music to help us feel the justice movement in our bones!

ALL are welcome! Over the past two years, our Friday Action Hour community has grown to include justice partners like The People’s Budget Coalition, The Poor People’s Campaign, NC Justice Center, ProChoice NC and many more! 

Sign up here if you wish to receive the Weekly Friday Action Hour Email that will include a promo of the week's actions, the Zoom link, and the link to the Actions Google Doc. If you can't make it on Fridays, you can still take action at any time by checking out the.weekly action list  Here is the zoom link if you want to join!


May 10, 2024 at 11:00am - 12pm


May 18, 2024

New Iniative -- Beaver Angels -- Sounds Wonderful! 

April 11, 2024

We received the following message and wanted to share it with you:

The NCSBE has moved up the determination of locations and hours of each county's Early Voting sites for the General Election to May 7! (This is two months earlier than usual.) 

It is important for all individuals and groups to advocate NOW for Sunday voting hours (12-3pm) in Chatham County.  The decision is likely to be made at the regular Chatham County Board of Elections meeting on Tuesday, April 16 at 5:30pm.  If the Chatham Board's decision is not unanimous, the issue will go to the NC State Board of Elections for a final decision.  

Emails in support of Sunday voting hours can be sent to the Director of the Chatham County Board of Elections at


Roz and Jon


February 28, 2024

This will be a statewide online training, co-hosted by Common Cause NC, Democracy NC, and Southern Coalition for Social Justice. If you haven't already, please register to receive the meeting's Zoom link.

The second event will be at the Chatham County Library (and online) on March 12, 2024. See the posted above.

Thanks for all you do to support democracy and justice!


February 15, 2024

Early Primary Voting Has Started!

If you'd like to learn more about the candidates, especially those down-ballot, with whom you might not be so familiar, you can go to this League of Women Voters' nonpartisan website, enter your address, learn about the candidates, and even print a "cheat sheet" with your choices to take with you to the polls:

Thanks for voting!


December 12, 2023

Sunday afternoon voting enables people whose work schedules or family responsibilities make voting at other times difficult.  Even if you personally do not plan to vote on Sunday, you can support this option for others in our community. 

Here is the link to make a comment: Early Voting Plans Public Comment Form (

The State Board will make a final decision on December 19, so comments should be sent by Monday, December 18 - and preferably as soon as possible.  

UPDATE December 19, 2023

Wonderful news to share / Yesterday (December 18, 2023), at a special meeting of the Chatham County Board of Elections, the Board voted unanimously to include one Sunday (Feb. 25) in the early voting schedule for the March primary.  Because the decision was unanimous, the State Board did not need to consider the issue.


November 27, 2023

We know you're being bombarded with donation requests at this time of year.  If you'd like to include some regional or local organizations in your holiday giving, we would like to suggest the following progressive groups that have been working to promote voting and democratic participation, especially among underrepresented communities:

1) New Rural Project  was recently featured in the New York Times and is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that engages young and marginalized residents in rural communities to amplify their voices through increased civic and electoral engagement. NRP is focused on seven North Carolina counties that are some of the most economically distressed in the state, with higher-than-average unemployment rates and declining populations.  

Donate here:

2) Common Cause North Carolina has been at the forefront of voting rights advocacy for a long time and has taken successful legal action in gerrymandering cases.

Donate here:

3) The New North Carolina Project’s mission is to make politics represent the needs of North Carolinians by investing in communities of color, expanding the engaged electorate.

Donate here

4) Southern Coalition for Social Justice fights for voter access and redistricting reform, as well as environmental justice and justice system reform.

Donate here:

5) Carolina Forward communicates and promotes the values, ideas and policies of North Carolina's center-left.  They specialize in research and polling to target key areas for action.

Donate here:

We know that there are many other great organizations that promote voting justice, including some that are faith-based, and we are not suggesting that the groups listed above are more worthy than others.  Our short list is simply intended to call your attention to some groups with which you may not be familiar and to remind you about a couple of well-known groups that are doing great work. 

We wish you a joyous and fulfilling holiday season,


October 25, 2023

As we're sure you know, redistricting has gone predictably badly in our state.  We may be directly affected in Chatham County, as Robert Rieves's seat could be in jeopardy.  Although we're discouraged, now more than ever, we need to do what we can to get out the vote.  Here are two actions you can take right now:

1) The Chatham County Board of Elections is conducting a survey on whether to allow Sunday voting.  Some local churches and other organizations encourage their members to vote on Sunday.  You can support their efforts by completing the survey:

2) Some municipalities will be holding elections on November 7.  If you or someone you know lives in one of these municipalities and plans to vote by mail, you need to request a ballot by October 31.  Ballots can be requested online at:

Thank you for taking action!


Roz and Jon


October 04, 2023

We're passing along some valuable information from You Can Vote.  The online portal for comments on legislative redistricting has opened but may not remain open long.  New maps will reportedly be introduced next week, so please make your voices heard.

You can submit comments here:

You can also check out this excellent guide to talking points:

Thanks for taking action!


September 21, 2023

We wanted to share this message from All on the Line about two trainings (first one is tomorrow) for taking action on the upcoming redistricting process in NC that is likely to undo the current fair maps and replace them with new, gerrymandered ones.

You can sign up at:

Redistricting season is upon us (again). In news overshadowed by the contentious and opaque state budget process, The North Carolina General Assembly redistricting committee has scheduled three public hearings for next week, ahead of a redraw of the state’s legislative and congressional voting maps. All On The Line is hosting a rapid response public testimony training tomorrow (Friday) at noon on Zoom to help folks prepare to make comments at the hearing and share other opportunities to make your voice heard if you can’t make it to a hearing in person.

There will be a coalition virtual public testimony training on Sunday, 9/24 at 3pm as well.

How We Got Here

In 2022, the Supreme Court of North Carolina issued a landmark ruling in Harper v. Hall, finding that North Carolinians have a constitutional right to vote in districts where everyone’s vote has substantially equal power. 


But after Republicans took the majority on the Supreme Court in November, the new Court reheard the case (despite no new evidence or change in the law) and overturned the  earlier decision. The new ruling means that all three state voting maps (US House, NC Senate and NC House) will be redrawn this year by the legislature. The Court has signaled that it will not be a check on partisan gerrymandering. Watch AOTL NC’s debrief of this decision here. (Passcode: a*!^*^6i)

Thanks for taking action,


June 28, 2023

Although we are happy about the recent Supreme Court decision limiting legislative power grabs, we still have work to do in NC.  As our new state Supreme Court overturned the previous court's decision on voting rights, we urgently need to help voters get Photo IDs and get registered to vote.  We are sharing the following information from Carolina Jews for Justice about actions you can take:

Help Voters get Photo IDs!

Voters need Photo IDs starting this year and Vote Riders ( is ramping up their work in NC. They provide information about the new (and confusing) rules and offer free 1:1 assistance in obtaining a state-issued ID or driver’s license, including paying the costs of documents, and providing free transportation to and from the DMV and SSA offices. 

Two options for volunteers:  write letters to NC voters, explaining the new photo ID law and how to access Vote Riders assistance, or get trained to work one-on-one with NC voters (virtually or in-person). Training available online at volunteer intranet site ( or email for more information about live trainings. (The next training is on July 11). 

It’s always time for voter registration! Learn the facts and rules, then volunteer once or keep coming back. Your choice!

Volunteer with You Can Vote in some parts of the state at community events, high schools, and more. You Can Vote provides a one-hour Volunteer Empowerment Training about their approach and to ensure that all volunteers are up to date with registration facts and rules! Click here ( to register for virtual or in person training and to find Voter Registration events near you. 

Help combat the voter purge! 

Volunteer for "Combatting the Voter Purge!" with the New Rural Project .  Join a weekly Thursday evening phonebank to reach out to the 7,000+ rural voters in their target counties who have been removed from the NC voting rolls.  Help to ensure they know they have been purged and to give them information on how to re-register to vote. 


May 31, 2023

Hope you're having a good Memorial Day (in spite of the rain)! The NC People's Power Coalition, made up of numerous progressive groups throughout the state, is holding a rally on May 31 to protest the right-wing agenda being passed by our state legislature.  Here is the website:

Neighbors on Call is organizing carpools from Chapel Hill, meeting at Mardi Gras Bowling on Farrington Road and Rte. 54 at 4:40 p.m.

Hope you can participate!


Roz and Jon


May 4, 2023

We are sharing an important message from Pro-Choice North Carolina:

The North Carolina House just passed a dangerous and reckless abortion ban (SB20), less than 24 hours after it was introduced. While we had been expecting an anti-abortion bill, we did not know it would be this extensive in restricting access, nor that it would be rammed through in such an undemocratic and secretive manner.

As you may know, there are many terrible provisions in this bill, beyond the 12-week ban. It is a nearly 50-page bill that wasn’t available until around 11:00 pm Wednesday night. We are still analyzing everything in this bill with our partners, but some provisions we want to call your attention to include:

There is a lot more in this bill, including previous abortion bans that we already defeated in past sessions. Anti-abortion lawmakers were never going to be satisfied with anything other than a complete ban, and this bill is their next step to making abortion even more inaccessible, even if it is still technically legal.

While the House vote today was disappointing, but expected, we are still fighting! The next step is to contact your state Senator by 9:45am this morning before their 10am session where they will vote on SB20. 

You can find your state Senator here. Sample script for emails and calls:  

“My name is ___________, I live in City, and I am a constituent of Name of legislator. I am calling today to urge Name of legislator to protect reproductive rights and abortion access in North Carolina and to oppose the monster abortion ban that was just introduced and rammed through the House with little notice or public input. I need you to stop this bill in the Senate!

Abortion care is part of reproductive health care and maternal care, and it should be treated as such. Politicians have no business inserting themselves into healthcare decisions. We have seen chaos erupt in other states where bans have been enacted, and we don’t want that to happen here. I oppose this new monster abortion ban and I hope Name of legislator will vote against it.” 

And…this fight is not over! If you can, join us to witness the Senate vote tomorrow, Thursday, May 4th. We will be gathering at the NCGA (16 W Jones Street, Raleigh) at 9:30am to get seats in the Senate gallery. 

If you can’t join us in Raleigh, you know what to do—keep calling, keep sending emails, and ask your friends and family to also take action. We are the majority in this state, and our voices will be heard! 


Roz and Jon


April 24, 2023

Moral Monday 10-Year Anniversary

Many of us participated in the inspiring Moral Mondays in Raleigh.  We are now at a pivotal moment in North Carolina politics, as our legislature has a veto-proof majority and is likely to enact legislation that will hurt women and other minorities in our state and to reinstate anti-democratic gerrymandering.  If you want to show your continued support for the Moral Monday movement, you may want to attend the recommitment rally on April 24.

(You can contact the hosts at:

If you need a ride or can offer a ride, please reply to this email, and we'll try to organize carpools.

March 14, 2023

The previous NC Supreme Court finally mandated an end to gerrymandering in our state.  Now, the new Court is likely to reverse that decision. A coalition of pro-democracy advocacy groups will be holding a rally at the State Capitol on March 14 at 11:00 a.m. to demand fair voting districts.  A local group, Neighbors on Call, is organizing carpooling from Mardi Gras Bowling on Rte. 54 and Farrington Road in Chapel Hill, departing at 10:00 a.m.  If you'd like to join them, RSVP at:

See the poster above.


March 16 and March 23, 2023

We wanted to call your attention to two upcoming opportunities to learn more about how to work with the state legislature:


February 21, 2023


Some of you may be interested in attending this event virtually or in person:

The Southern Coalition for Social Justice, Blueprint NC, and Common Cause NC invite you to attend a lunch and learn community event next week on Combating Wrongful Voter Purges.   

Join us at Noon, Tuesday, February 28, to learn about voter list maintenance, best practices for North Carolina, and how to spot and take action against wrongful voter purges. We will also share brand new data and strategies for those engaged in GOTV and community advocacy who want to ensure eligible voters in North Carolina can become – and remain – registered.     

When a state or county conducts a program to systematically remove people from its list of registered voters, this is called “voter list maintenance.” This can be done properly, but it can also lead politicians and political operatives to aggressively remove voters as a strategy to suppress the vote.  

The challenge to combating wrongful purges is that many residents do not find out they were purged from the voter rolls until they are trying to cast their ballot. At that point, it can be too late to fix the problem.  

Don’t let it get that far! Please join us for this important community event.   

Register here to attend in person.  

Register here to attend virtually.  

There is an in-person and virtual option for this event, with Spanish interpretation available for both. Join us in person at the South Meeting Room at South Regional Library, 4505 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713. Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.  

Have questions? Email   


February 10, 2023

We haven't been in touch for a while but are getting back to sharing information that might be of interest to you.

First, you can sign up for an "Advocacy Day for Reproductive Freedom" on February 22, 2023 in Raleigh. Sign Up HERE.

Second, although we don't usually share requests for monetary donations, we thought you might want to support Common Cause NC in their legal fight at the State Supreme Court to prevent the overturning of fair maps:

In an extreme departure from precedent, the North Carolina Supreme Court announced it will rehear our landmark case against gerrymandering after Republican legislators petitioned for a different outcome following the election of new justices, which flipped the court to a Republican majority.

The news comes just a year after we won a historic victory for the people of North Carolina when the state Supreme Court ruled in February 2022 that gerrymandering violates our constitutional rights.

Sadly, partisan legislators led by Republican House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger refuse to accept that decision or respect our rights. Once again, these politicians are trying to overturn that ruling and steal power away from the people of North Carolina.

Now, we’re going back to our state’s Supreme Court to stop gerrymandering. We’ll fight with everything we have to protect the freedoms of all North Carolinians against these latest partisan attacks.

We and our excellent legal team are ready to defend our democracy. But we need your help.

Please consider making an emergency donation to Common Cause North Carolina today as we prepare for the critical legal battle ahead.

Thanks for all you do to support justice in our region!

Happy Valentine's Day!


December 3, 2022

We hope you are having a good holiday season!

The case of Moore v. Harper, which originated in North Carolina, will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court next week.  The case has been called the most important one ever for the survival of our democracy.  If you'd like to lend your voice to the movement to protect democracy, you can attend a rally in Raleigh--and go to Washington if you are able.  Here are the details:

An NC team is going to the U.S. Supreme Court next week for our case of Moore v. Harper to defend our victory against gerrymandering and to stop the radical power grab by North Carolina politicians.

Before leaving for D.C., Common Cause invites you to join them in Raleigh on Tuesday (Dec. 6, 2022) at 11:15 a.m. on Bicentennial Plaza for our People Over Politics rally and press conference across the street from the state legislature (see map).

Common Cause and their democracy partners, along with North Carolinians from around the state, will be there to stand up for everyone's freedom to vote. We'll speak out against the dangerous attempt by extreme legislators trying to take control over federal elections in our state.

If you are interested in taking the bus to Washington as part of a North Carolina delegation, you can sign up here:

In solidarity,  Roz and Jon


Prior Announcements

October 2022

Once again, we recommend the League of Women Voters' nonpartisan guide with all you need to know how to vote in the midterm election:

2022 Midterm Election Online Nonpartisan Voter Guide:

The League of Women Voters of North Carolina announces the availability of for the 2022 Midterm Election.  The League’s nonpartisan online election resource offers voters a “one-stop shop” for all things election related as they prepare to cast their ballots.  Early voting runs from Thursday, October 20 to Saturday, November 5.  Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2022. is a comprehensive resource on voting information where citizens can learn about the policy positions of candidates on their ballot, get detailed instructions on registering to vote, find an early voting location, confirm their election day polling place, and take the guesswork out of the absentee-by-mail

Early voting in North Carolina starts on Thursday, October 20, 2022 Through 3:00 PM on Saturday, November 5, 2022 - which means the time is now to take two critical actions:


According to this recent NBC poll, democracy issues are top of mind for voters. While this is good news, there is too much at stake to take anything for granted. Sign up for one (or more!) of our Week of Action events below to get involved, and watch this space for more opportunities to make a difference. 


Letter to the Editor workshop 

Monday 9/19 @ Noon

All On The Line NC’s goal is to  make sure every voter in North Carolina knows what’s at stake in this  year’s election and why it’s so important to vote in every race. One way we  can do that is by publishing Letters to the Editor (LTEs) in news outlets from the mountains to the coast. Join us Monday at noon for a LTE writing workshop. This meeting will be recorded and shared with everyone who registers. 


Fair Districts On The Line Postcard Launch

Tuesday 9/20 @6pm 

Most voters don’t pay close attention to the redistricting process and may not know how close they came to being gerrymandered into districts where their votes would have less power than others. That’s why we’re launching our Fair Districts Are On The Line postcard campaign. Volunteers will sign up to send postcards to voters in Guilford County with information about their new congressional district and why their votes are so critical to the continued fight for fair districts in North Carolina. Join this call to learn more about this campaign and how to request postcards for yourself or your organization - then grab some friends and throw a postcard party!


Personal Network Outreach Training

Wednesday 9/21 @6pm

The most effective thing you can do in this election is to communicate with your network about what’s on the ballot and make sure your friends and family have a plan to vote - and vote the full ticket - this fall. In this workshop, we’ll share content on how to tell the story of what’s at stake for Fair Districts in NC, brainstorm personal outreach tactics, and provide resources to help you educate and inform the people YOU are best positioned to reach. 


Volunteer Text Bank

Sunday 9/25 @2pm

Join All On The Line NC as we text  voters in target congressional districts to share information about the new voting maps, the stakes of the midterm elections, and how they can get involved in protecting our democracy.


Call To Action

The NC Republican Party has asked the NC State Board of Elections for a Declaratory Ruling on their proposal to  authorize county boards of elections to scrutinize voter signatures on absentee ballot request forms and absentee ballot return envelopes to determine whether to count those ballots in North Carolina elections. This could overrule the authority of the NCSBE to require uniform ballot review methods across all counties so that all voters, regardless of residency, have an equal right to have their vote count. County board of election workers are not handwriting experts, and people’s signatures can change over time. This change has the potential to disenfranchise thousands of North Carolina voters and the NCSBE needs to hear from you!

A hearing is scheduled for July and then this will make its way through the courts – with the goal of this being implemented in time for the November midterms.

This is urgent all public comments must be submitted by July 5th. We need thousands of North Carolina voters to push back on this proposed change using the NCSBE comment portal.

For more information please check out this post from the NC League of Women Voters.


Vigil to remember victims of gun violence &

To insist on gun safety in our community

Initiated by Pittsboro Mayor Cindy Perry


7:00pm – 7:30pm Sunday, May 29, 2022 @ Alpha Center Parking Lot

697 Hillsboro Street, Pittsboro (across 15-501 just north of Chatham Marketplace)



7:00 Karen Howard: welcome

7:05 Children speak

7:10 Song: Imagine

7:15 Reading of the names of towns and numbers dead in mass shootings

7:20 Sheila Fleming sings Calling All Angels

        [Lighting of the candles]

7:28 Karen Howard reads poem by Amanda Gorman

7:30 Pittsboro Mayor Cindy Perry: call to action

Current Events & Actions

Women's March in Raleigh on Saturday, May 14, 2022

Bans Off Our Bodies

Women's marches will be held all over the country this Saturday to support abortion rights.


12:00 pm to 3:00 pm  EDT


1 E Edenton St

Raleigh, NC 27601

About this event

On May 2nd, we learned from a leaked draft opinion that SCOTUS is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, stripping the constitutional right to abortion in spite of fifty years of precedent.

The Supreme Court is making their official decision on abortion rights in June. Once that happens, 26 states could move quickly to ban abortion, meaning millions of people could live without local access to abortion care.

Roe has always been the floor, not the ceiling. Many Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and other people of color experience barriers to accessing abortions. The people in your community and across the country deserve the power and freedom to make their own personal reproductive health care decisions.

We have to act NOW, all across the country. Together we will send a strong message that we're not backing down. Supporting abortion access must be protected and defended.

Even if you can't attend, you may want to donate to Pro-Choice North Carolina:

Wondering About Which Candidates to Choose in the Primary?

The League of Women Voters has a good guide:

The League of Women Voters of North Carolina announces the availability of,  their online 2022 Primary Election Voter Guide.  The League’s nonpartisan election resource offers voters a “one-stop shop” for all things election related as they prepare to cast their ballots.  Early voting runs from Thursday, April 28, to Saturday, May 14.  Primary Election Day is Tuesday, May 17, 2022.  Visit, enter your address and see:

The League invited all statewide and local candidates in 38 counties to participate in  All candidates were asked to provide their contact information, personal profiles and responses to survey questions.  Voters can see a candidate’s unedited responses, compare the responses from multiple candidates in a contested race, make their choices, and keep a copy of their choices to take to the polling place. is a user-friendly tool designed to help oters make informed choices and simplify the voting process.

You may also be interested in participating in this Zoom event on election funding:

The 60-90-minute Zoom event (45 minutes for presentation and ample time for questions and answers) is scheduled for Tuesday, May 31 at 6 p.m. 

During this Zoom, SCSJ (the Southern Coalition for Social Justice) and their partners with the NC Budget and Tax Center will present Chatham-specific information designed to 

This is also an opportunity for participating local officials and citizens to share their reflections on this year's process and how our community can make it better this year and in cycles to come. 

Here is the link to register for the Zoom:

For more information, please contact SCSJ's Sailor Jones at 


Did you miss the March 09th "Unpacking The Maps" Program?  

Or want to watch it again?  No problems. 

You can find the recording of that program as well as all the others by using this link

A SPECIAL Neighbors on Call (NoC) Treat: 

They have labeled the 2022 state legislative maps with all the toss-up, lean D and lean R districts (according to data from Dave’s Redistricting App). Your can view these great resource maps on the NoC website by using this link

About the "Unpacking the Maps" Program Recording

What will the maps hold for the future of North Carolina? NC Rep. Graig Meyer moderated a conversation with NC Sen. Jay Chaudhuri and NC Rep. Vernetta Alston helped viewers understand which state legislative districts in this new landscape are the best targets for NoC’s knocking and dialing. 

March 28, 2022 Upcoming Moral March in Raleigh -- NC Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival -- Forward Together to Raleigh!

A message from the NC Poor People's Campaign for those who are interested.

If you just want to drive to Raleigh, here's the link to sign up: They'll need volunteers for many roles so email if you want to be part of this big day!

Did you miss the original Moral Mondays back in 2013? Did you go to a Moral Monday and wish you could go again? Here’s your chance to be a part of the Moral Movement and build People Power!  We'll gather in Raleigh at 5PM on Monday, March 28th at Bicentennial Plaza. RSVP HERE to tell us you're coming and get the details!

Get on the bus!

The NC Poor People’s Campaign has chartered buses across the state, with stops in Aberdeen, Asheville, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Durham, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Raeford, Sanford & Sylva. Sign up HERE for a FREE seat on a bus! Use the code on the website and the cost is covered!  Deadline is Wednesday March 23d to get your FREE seat.

If you want to help pay for seats for others to ride as well, you can do so at

HK on J February 12, 2022

Because of health concerns, this year's HKonJ March will be by motorcade again.  If you would like to participate in Raleigh Saturday, February 12, 2022 here is the link to sign up:  An in-person gathering is planned for April.

As you know, the State Supreme Court ruled that gerrymandered districts had to be redrawn by February 18.  All on the Line NC ( is sponsoring several trainings to help with lobbying efforts for fair maps.  Check out their website if you'd like to get involved.

On December 08th, the North Carolina Supreme Court Moved the NC 2022 Primary Election to May 17

On the afternoon of Wednesday, December 08, 2021, the North Carolina Supreme Court decided to move the 2022 primary from March 08 to May 17 and expedite the timeline for pending litigation on the 2022 electoral maps drawn by Republicans.

Neighbors on Call (NoC) Prepared The Following Broad Strokes Version of What Happened:

Here’s what happened, in broad strokes

Where do we stand with the maps?

Our bad, bad new maps for Congress and state legislative districts are on hold while the courts decide if they’re constitutional. The primary will now be on May 17 (instead of March 8).


Is this good news?

Maybe! But it doesn’t guarantee a better outcome, just the possibility of a better outcome. With a (slim) Democratic majority on the state Supreme Court, we at NoC are hopeful.


What’s the blow-by-blow? 

There are two court sagas going on. (Get your popcorn.) We’re not court experts; this is our best effort to summarize. Any errors are our own!


Court Saga 1#: North Carolina League of Conservation Voters v Hall (consolidated with Harper v Hall, a case brought by NC voters supported by the National Redistricting Foundation)


On Nov 17 and 18, two cases challenged that the new congressional and state legislative maps violate our state constitution. Plaintiffs asked that candidate filing be halted while the lawsuit plays out. See details in the NC Policy Update.


→On Dec 3, a 3-judge panel of the Wake County Superior Court said filing should not be halted. (But they did not rule on the constitutionality of the maps themselves.) The plaintiffs appealed to the Court of Appeals.


→On Dec 6, a 3-judge panel of the Court of Appeals said filing should be halted, minutes before the filing period began.


→Later that day, the full Court of Appeals (which is predominantly Republican) said that, actually, filing should not be halted. Filing resumed the next day. The plaintiffs appealed to the state Supreme Court.


→On Dec 8, the NC Supreme Court ruled that filing should be halted. The maps are on hold.


Now what?

→By Jan 11, the Superior Court must rule on the constitutionality of the maps. This question has not been ruled on at all yet. 


→Within two days, the decision can be appealed.

Read the full court order here.

Save Sunday Voting in Chatham County

In the General Election in Fall 2020, Chatham County had Sunday Early Voting hours for the first time.  

This came about even though Chatham Board of Elections members had disagreed 3-2 on an Early Voting plan, with one member stating that he did not want Sunday voting for religious reasons, and that Sunday is a day of rest and should be spent with family.  Subsequently, more than 650 Chatham voters sent written comments in support of Sunday hours to the State Board or Elections, which by law adopted the ultimate plan because the local Board could not come to a unanimous decision.  

More than 1300 Chatham voters cast ballots in person on the two Sundays of the 2020 General Election.  That was a surprisingly large number, particularly because many voters during the pandemic chose to vote by mail and had other Early Voting days and Election Day as options.  


The Chatham Board of Elections is about to decide on an Early Voting plan for the 2022 Primary Election.  They are likely (but not certain) to have Sunday hours for the General Election in November, but are considering whether or not to have Sunday hours for the Primary.  (The Primary is scheduled for March 8, so Early Voting will begin on February 17.  Contests for Chatham include US Senate, a new Congressional district, a new NC Senate district, and a revised NC House district.)  

A consistent pattern of Sunday Early Voting hours in both the Primary and the General Election should be established in Chatham County to give voters maximum access and flexibility for voting.  Emails in support of Sunday Early Voting for the 2022 Primary can be sent to the Board BEFORE DECEMBER 14 through Pandora Paschal, Elections Director /

Some Suggestions for Holiday Giving

Many of us donate to worthy causes during this season of the year and want to include local organizations in our giving, so we wanted to share some donation links for a few North Carolina and Chatham County organizations that promote economic and/or racial justice or address the needs of underserved communities.  This list is far from all-inclusive but may be helpful in a small way:

Statewide Organizations:

1) CWS

This organization helps with the resettlement of Afghan refugees in the Triangle.

2) Carolina Jews for Justice

This is a non-partisan Jewish organization that works on issues of voting rights, economic and immigrant justice, racial justice, and antisemitism in North Carolina.

3) Democracy North Carolina

This organization promotes voting access, voting rights, and related issues.


This organization fights for racial justice in our state.

5) The North Carolina Justice Center

This organization works to combat poverty by promoting access to economic security.

6) Siembra NC

This organization fights discrimination against the Latinx community in North Carolina.

7) Southern Coalition for Social Justice

This organization provides legal advocacy for racially and economically disadvantaged groups.

Chatham County


This food pantry helps Chatham County residents experiencing food insecurity.

2) The Hispanic Liaison

This organization provides assistance to Chatham County Hispanic families in need and advocates for the local Hispanic community.

The 2021 North Carolina Legislative & Congressional Redistricting Maps 

You can view them on the General Assembly website here.


Thanks so much for all you do to support justice, democracy, and compassion for others!
